The Countdown Begins!

The release date for Coping With Yarn is next Friday, December 16!

Let me tell you, this hasn’t been an easy decision. My goals are ever-changing and shifting to the actual timeline of my writing and editing. I was hoping to get the book out by Monday the 12th, but I won’t make that without pulling an all-nighter and ignoring my family. My original goal was to publish this book in early December, and I’m happy that I will meet that goal! 

I wrote out my list of remaining tasks, pushing myself to complete them by the end of this weekend, and it’s just not going to happen. What I’ve learned from my past releases is not to rush it. Publishing on Thursday or Friday instead of the prior Monday is not the end of the world.

Watch for a ‘live’ notice towards the middle of next week.

After making final adjustments to the cover, giving the book a final read-through, and running it through Grammarly one more time, Coping With Yarn will be ready. That is, after I adjust the blurb to a catchier version, format the e-book, double-check the formatting for the paperback version and post a few promotions.

Why did I think I could do all this in one weekend during the holidays?

The good news is: I like the book! Of course, I have doubts about the story and my writing abilities. Yes, I’m doing my best to catch every error. But I can’t imagine anything worse than promoting a book, telling my friends and family to go read it, and not liking it myself.

Whether a description needs to be spruced up, I’ve missed a few typos, or I get a bad review, I know one thing is for sure: I’ve done my best in delivering a fun, easy-to-read Garden Valley story.

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