Taking a Spin on Mondays

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Monday, who?

The Monday that starts tomorrow.


It’s no surprise when the Monday gloom can creep into our weekend time, causing the Sunday blues to settle in. It’s true, being the farthest from the next weekend, Mondays aren’t always the best. But, when twisted another way, this statement can turn into: ‘sometimes the best things happen on Mondays.’

Whichever way you spin it, one truth resides: There’s no reason Monday should receive such a bad rap. After all, it’s a day that takes up 14.28 percent of your life.

I know they mean well, but it drives me nuts when I hear people say “It’s almost Friday,” or “Friday will get here soon enough.” Since when do our lives only start on Friday? Do the other days that don’t fall on Friday or a weekend not count?

Of course they do!

Yes, today was a ‘workday Monday’ for me, but on my drive, I listened to a YouTube video that spun my whole day toward the positive. (Not another person to follow who is on AuthorTube, Jean, my mind scolded me.) The title promised to solve a topic that had been tangled in my mind: ‘Where I Self-Publish My Books, Why I Chose These Companies, + How I Juggle All of Them’ by Bethany Atazadeh.

Oh…my…gosh, this was exactly what I have been searching for the last few weeks. Sure, there is a lot of advice and information on the different platforms to publish on for indie (self-published) authors, but no one spelled it out as well as Bethany did.

This might seem like a small find, but in my confused mind, it was huge! KDP, Apple Books, IngramSpark, Draft 2 Digital, oh my. All of these names, and more, have been flying around in my mind with no clear direction or landing strip on which one to use.

What’s my point? Contrary to my usual belief, our successes don’t have to be reserved for weekends only. Yes, I work during the week, but that doesn’t mean that I can only enjoy my writing life from Friday through Sunday. Nor does it mean I have to halt all progress toward my goals during the week. In regards to my writing, I can add these small tokens of information to my knowledge base little by little during the week to help in checking off the many items on my self-publishing ‘to do’ list.

It took a mere fifteen minutes to finally solve the puzzle that previously had been scattered in my brain. The excitement that resided in me was enough to last the entire day and made me realize that this is what was missing from my Mondays. Even though I didn’t get to spend the day writing, these fifteen little minutes propelled me closer to my goal of self-publishing my first book by July, adding a spark to my day.

What is something that you can do this week to move you toward your dream? Write down something you have been wanting to do or have dreamed of adding to your life. What has stopped you from doing it? (No judgment whatsoever on this end!) Sometimes taking the first step is the hardest! What is one thing you can do this week to get you one step closer to this goal? Even typing your question into Google just to see what comes up can be enough to push you further. (This is what I did to start my LLC research).

No matter how big your goal, remember this: even the most complicated pieces of music started with just one note; a house is built starting with one piece of wood; and, (you’ve heard this one) even a book is written one word at a time.


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