Spin Your Focus

When I look back on last week my first thought is that I failed my goal of remaining calm and not turning into a ‘stress bucket,’ as my husband says, from the demands on me. It’s my busy season at work and I usually push so hard that I crumble to the finish line instead of running through with two triumphant arms in the sky.

I sit here at my desk on Sunday night, feeling anxious about the week ahead with my chest clenched tight. It’s going to be another hard one, but since I cleared a big deadline last week it’ll be better.

Yes! This is what I need to focus on, not on the possibilities of ‘bad’ creeping in throughout my days, but what the possibility of the day can bring me.

As I look back on last week and write in my Artist of Life journal (from Lavendaire – totally worth the money and time!), I can list the stressors, for sure. However, I can also sift through the mud and find the jewels as well; the things I accomplished throughout the week that brought me joy, peace, and closer to my writing goals.


  1. I was able to spend some one-on-one time with my youngest daughter! My oldest daughter demands a lot of my attention while my youngest doesn’t mind playing by herself sometimes. (Tell me it’s not funny to hear a 6 year-old tromp upstairs saying “I need some alone time!”).
  2. I got to watch the new Falcon and The Winter Soldier with my husband – a total guilty pleasure!
  3. I finished editing my book! (Yes, this was the fourth edit, but tweaking nearly every sentence definitely spruced it up, tipping the judgement scale towards the confidence side of things).
  4. I found a developmental editor on Fiverr and sent my manuscript to her.
  5. I got my logos back for JeanBooks, LLC. I hired someone on Fiverr on Tuesday and had seven logos to choose from by Saturday. (seriously, have you used this service? Mind…blown!).
  6. I had a good heart-to-heart conversation with my oldest daughter. She has been struggling with some girls at school and when we talked through it we both had some ‘aha’ moments (future blog-post to come).
  7. I got to see my mom, my ever-lasting, one-hundred percent supporter. It was fun to chat with her about my upcoming debut novel (Turning to Color), marketing ideas, and future books.


If you had a bad week, can you sit down and list even the smallest moments of joy in your days? If this is difficult, what can you do this week to make your days awesome? Can you give yourself a facial, do your nails, watch a movie, or listen to a podcast or audiobook to make it that much better?

There are 1,440 minutes in a day. How can you spin a few of them to make your day great?

When I look back on last week my first thought is that I failed my goal of remaining calm and not turning into a ‘stress bucket,’ as my husband says, from the demands on me. It’s my busy season at work and I usually push so hard that I crumble to the finish line instead of running through with two triumphant arms in the sky.

I sit here at my desk on Sunday night, feeling anxious about the week ahead with my chest clenched tight. It’s going to be another hard one, but since I cleared a big deadline last week it’ll be better.

Yes! This is what I need to focus on, not on the possibilities of ‘bad’ creeping in throughout my days, but what the possibility of the day can bring me.

As I look back on last week and write in my Artist of Life journal (from Lavendaire – totally worth the money and time!), I can list the stressors, for sure. However, I can also sift through the mud and find the jewels as well; the things I accomplished throughout the week that brought me joy, peace, and closer to my writing goals.


  1. I was able to spend some one-on-one time with my youngest daughter! My oldest daughter demands a lot of my attention while my youngest doesn’t mind playing by herself sometimes. (Tell me it’s not funny to hear a 6 year-old tromp upstairs saying “I need some alone time!”).
  2. I got to watch the new Falcon and The Winter Soldier with my husband – a total guilty pleasure!
  3. I finished editing my book! (Yes, this was the fourth edit, but tweaking nearly every sentence definitely spruced it up, tipping the judgement scale towards the confidence side of things).
  4. I found a developmental editor on Fiverr and sent my manuscript to her.
  5. I got my logos back for JeanBooks, LLC. I hired someone on Fiverr on Tuesday and had seven logos to choose from by Saturday. (seriously, have you used this service? Mind…blown!).
  6. I had a good heart-to-heart conversation with my oldest daughter. She has been struggling with some girls at school and when we talked through it we both had some ‘aha’ moments (future blog-post to come).
  7. I got to see my mom, my ever-lasting, one-hundred percent supporter. It was fun to chat with her about my upcoming debut novel (Turning to Color), marketing ideas, and future books.


If you had a bad week, can you sit down and list even the smallest moments of joy in your days? If this is difficult, what can you do this week to make your days awesome? Can you give yourself a facial, do your nails, watch a movie, or listen to a podcast or audiobook to make it that much better?

There are 1,440 minutes in a day. How can you spin a few of them to make your day great?

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