Progress Update

I’m always wary of coming back to my blogs after being gone for a few of weeks. So much happens in my writing world, and I always have a lot to share. Time goes by so quickly in between posts, but I want to let everyone know that I’m still in the writing game. I will never ask ‘where does the time go’ as I’m quite diligent at scheduling and making use of every minute of the day. Okay, so maybe not every minute, but you know what I mean.

In the time that I have published my last book, Turning to Color, on August 13, I have written my next book! Don’t get me wrong, it’s nowhere near ready for anyone other than my editor to read, but I have a good first draft so far. Even before Turning to Color was published I met with my editor to go through the outline of my next book. We scheduled our editing that we need to reach before publication. The name and publication date will be released soon!

As for my next year’s publishing timeline, I’m set! I’m so excited to be sharing what I’m planning will be the release of four books in 2023. I’m proud to say that most of these books are in the rough draft stage already. With as many non-writing but self-publishing tasks that I have to do, this is quite a relief. 

I’ve had some exciting ventures with my writing the last couple of weeks. I’ve signed up for a self-publishing writing group! With the help of coach Chris Baird from Self Publishing Made Easy Now, I have had some of my publication questions answered. This coaching includes strategy and marketing. As such, I will take my free book, Welcome to Garden Valley, off my email list and will officially be publishing a new and updated version of It in January. I will be replacing my free book with a short story soon!

I’ve enrolled in a formatting class to learn about the formatting tool, Jutoh. This will take away a lot of struggles I’ve had with formatting my books. 

Next week I will be enrolling my ebook versions into the KDP Unlimited program. This will help me reach new readers. 

This leads me to encourage you to pass any paperback books of mine to your friends. A few of my family and friends have asked if it’s okay for them to share my books. Please do! This helps with my mission of bringing joy, laughter, and maybe a couple of happy tears to others.

Until next time, I hope you too are able to reach whatever goals you have for yourself. 

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