
Name reveal!

It feels like an eternity since I’ve released a book! Evidence of the swelling excitement surrounds me. My heart is filled with anticipation, my happy dance full of jumping and clapping has become a staple in my house, and my to-do list, well, let’s just say it’s long. With my last book released way back in June, I’m more than ready for the latest installment of the Garden Valley series to get into the hands of my readers. Here it is… the name:

From A to Z: Who knew the alphabet could be so much fun

This will be my sixth official book, and yes, I’m counting my free book, Winter in July, available only to you, my subscribers!

Release Date Reveal!

From A to Z will be released on January 12! This is a cozy romantic story and perfect for Valentine’s Day. Don’t worry; it stays true to my women’s fiction genre with a strong female lead and lots of fun quirks, heart-warming scenes, and a happily-ever-after. 


Let’s get to the good stuff. I’m running my first-ever giveaway on Instagram! Okay, so I can’t take all the credit. I have an assistant who is terrific at making posts and keeping everything interesting on the IG side of the world.

What this giveaway is all about:

You must follow @jeanshelbybooks and follow the instructions on how to join the fun.

First Prize: Signed copy of Welcome to Garden Valley (published in June 2023), a beautiful blue cozy blanket, a festive mug, and some yummy tea

Second Prize: Signed copy of Welcome to Garden Valley, a festive mug

Third Prize: Signed copy of Welcome to Garden Valley, a festive mug

Fourth Prize: Signed copy of Welcome to Garden Valley

Celebration of 1,200+ IG followers…and growing every day!

I’m thoroughly pleased with my Instagram following growth from 55 followers in September to nearly 1,300 today. In my quest to grow my social media, I’ve found that 1. asking for help is okay, 2. you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg to be successful, and 3. I don’t need to spend all my time making videos and pictures. 

I’m a writer, so coming up with video ideas and enough to say about the writing field isn’t a problem for me. However, I had put YouTube on hold in hopes of creating my ‘ideal filming set-up.’ While I still desire a more aesthetically pleasing background and a more professional feel to my videos, I’m taking it one step at a time. Today, I ordered a ring light that has a phone clip. Tomorrow, I will watch a video about editing videos on my phone. Get my gist? 

Stay tuned for the cover reveal later this week! Could I have put any more exclamation points in here? Can you tell I’m excited? : )

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