Editing Update

With work ramping up in intensity, the end of the school year approaching for my kids, and my house in a state of disaster, I welcomed a change in my publishing plans. Yes, things in life seem to be stacking up against me, but I’m fighting back with persistence…and a new plan. 

My new goal is to publish my next book in July, which is four months after I had originally planned to publish. What happened? I needed to spend extra time finding the right editor. I searched, found someone amazing, and am glad I took the extra time. She gave me PAGES and pages of edits to weave through my book, which was scary at first to say the least. I dove right in, made the changes, and am now awaiting feedback from my beta readers. All these changes are fine as long as my main message and theme of the story comes across, which is ultimately up to me. : )

I’m not going to say that editing was easy, but staying in the game chapter after chapter was what had me settling into a comfortable spot with my story. I reminded myself that with my first book I successfully managed to get through hundreds of editing suggestions, slashed portions of the book, and even completely rewrote one of the characters. This time was no different with having tons of comments and feedback to go through, giving one of my characters more of a storyline, softening up another character, and have added as much tension as this brain could conjure up.

I’m doing the best that I can, marrying a sense to push myself while not striving for perfection. 

I’m giving myself some grace when going through and making changes, meaning more time in this case. I wanted to rush through these edits to get the book out in May. I also wanted to get my freebie book out at the same time as well. 

What freebie book?


I will have a free book in July for all who are signed up for my email list! This short story is an introduction to Garden Valley. It’s a story about a family who moves to the cozy town in Oregon that holds more fields and farm land than pavement. 

While I think I could have easily published one book, I knew it would be a grind to publish both in May. This was also dependent on whether or not my editor could get through both books during my timeline. Little did I know that luck was on my side when she informed me that she’s not available to edit the freebie book until June 7. Thank goodness, I’ve been blessed with more time! 

At first I was worried about missing my self-made deadline, but then I relaxed in my seat, realizing that this is a good thing. Now I have time to edit both books and make them the best they can be. I am working hard to share these with you as soon as possible!

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