Publication Date Reveal!

Photo by Tyler Lastovich from Pexels

“Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle, or your middle to someone else’s end.” Tim Hiller

Upon hearing this quote, the tension flowed from my shoulders. This little gem is something to remember as I inch toward my self-publishing destination. When shoving the self-doubt aside, I skip down this path instead of having shifty eyes, awaiting the next self-criticism monster to pounce.

  • What business do you have writing?
  • There are so many other better writers than you.
  • What if no one likes your books?

These are just a few of the meanies that pop in my head. 

You know what? In listening to other writers talk about their self-doubt, I’ve learned that we are all the same. There’s loads of advice out there about how to leap over the hurdle of self-doubt. Isn’t this true for almost anything that we are embarking on for the first time?

My daughter is going to try Karate for the first time tonight, but she’s nervous. “I’m new, and I don’t know anything. I don’t want to look stupid,” she said with tears twinkling her green eyes. 

“They don’t expect you to know anything at all. You need to listen and do your best. You’ll be fine.”

Wait, isn’t this what I said to myself in a pep talk the other day?

The truth is that none of us are alone in this journey of life. Whether you’re an adult learning how to swim for the first time, starting a new job, or even trying to self-publish our first book at forty-two, life is full of new experiences, and inevitably, some doubt. It’s all about enjoying the flowers and beautiful trees that line the path, doing our best to ignore that voice that makes us second guess our intentions.

So, how did I overcome this feeling of wanting to tuck my book away forever instead of getting it out there to potential fans? I set a publication date! Yes, a real one this time. 

Mark your calendars for October 12th for the publication of Switching to Light!

My friends and family might be the only readers. I for sure will make some newbie mistakes. All that aside, I’m excited to be getting what I’ve worked so hard on out there. After all, book two can’t be published without book one leading the way.


Next week I’ll be revealing my JeanBooks logo! I can’t wait to show you this awesome design!

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