My New Free Ebook is Ready!

I have an exciting announcement: my new free ebook, Winter in July, is done! This is a brand new novella that is exclusive to my email list only. I’ve been working on this book for a few months now, and am happy and proud to send it to everyone. I’ll send this in the next day or two, so watch your emails!

About Winter in July:

Monica was excited to plan Naomi Elridge’s wedding…until Janine took charge.

When Naomi Elridge hires Monica to plan her wedding, Monica jumps on the account like a cat on a new toy. This is Monica’s chance to boost Emerald Weddings through the roof!

Monica and her team at Emerald Weddings have orchestrated half a dozen weddings for the residents of Garden Valley, but the Elridge account is unlike the other weddings. Monica’s old nemesis and Naomi’s sister, Janine, demands excellence for their wealthy parents and elite guest list. With the pressure of pleasing Naomi, Janine, and the entire Elridge family, Monica’s planning skills, and sanity, are put to the test.

If you’ve read my other books, this freebie features some of the same characters you love! Turn the page for a fun wedding adventure full of color, drama, and the lovable characters from Garden Valley!

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