Inch by Inch

I keep forgetting that this initial launch isn’t just for my debut book, but it’s a setup to this business of Indie publishing. There’s A LOT to be done besides ‘just’ writing the book. There’s deciding which social media platforms to get into, and how often to post. There’s deciding whether or not to use a pen name and getting it all set up. There’s setting up a website and writing blogs or a newsletter.

When it comes to the book itself there’s writing it, finding an editor, waiting for them to edit, and then going through all of those edits to make a better product. But then you’re not done there. A smart move is to have beta readers give their opinion on your book. Once those are in, it might, just might, actually be ready for a final proofreading.

This is the step I’m currently on: waiting for feedback from my beta readers (and keeping my fingers crossed the whole time in hopes that they like it!). During this little waiting lull, I’m working on hiring a cover artist.

None of this is even touching marketing the book itself so when the button for publish is actually clicked it doesn’t just go out into digital nothingness, never to be read or commented on.

It’s … a lot of work! I would love to blow through the whole process and finally get my first book out there so I can get over this hump and started on the next book already. What I’m telling myself through this process is that it’s okay to go slow. It’s okay to think through every step and decide how I want everything set up.

Believe it or not, I’m actually enjoying the process! Yes, it’s a lot of work, but even though I’m getting tired of reading my same story over and over, I enjoy editing and making my words better with every pass through. Every day that goes by that I work on my goals means that I’ve gained another inch towards that day that I will inevitably be holding my bound book. Only then will I know that I’m done with the process…until the next book begs to be written.

What’s next? Hopefully mustering up enough guts to send out my first newsletter!

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