Book Release and Cover Reveal!

My debut novel, Switching to Light, comes out Friday, November 12! I am officially on a one week countdown.

As one would expect, I’m beyond excited while my stomach is full of butterflies. I’m down to the wire for getting last-minute changes in and I will be using every minute of my time to submit tweaks that I know I’ll make for the next three days. 

I’ve learned a lot about myself in going through this journey. I have wanted to give up so many times, but have pushed forward. I’ve had to somewhat ignore my desire for everything to be perfect. I’ve had to turn down the noise from the fear of gaining negative feedback. It’s been interesting to go from telling one or two people about my writing to now telling everyone! Lastly, but probably the one that weighs on me the most, is putting myself out there for friends and family to get a glimpse into my mind. 

Women’s fiction indeed offers less of a deep dive into my ‘embarrassing zone’ as, say, erotica would, but I’ve still poured a great deal of my thought patterns into this novel. The first book is somewhat of a risk in these respects, but there cannot be a second, third, or twentieth book without that first release. 

Yes, I want to edit the book one more time, but will it really be the last? With 82,000 words, isn’t there an infinite number of possibilities and combinations for every sentence? As with every project, there must be a stopping point; a time when the creator must put aside the incessant nagging from the beast and get on with life.

Now…on to Monica’s story!

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