And the Countdown Begins!

I have five weeks before I want to publish not one book, but two. As of today it’s thirty six days until July 15, (I just counted)! Can I really do this? 

I’m far from starting at the beginning and have two partially completed manuscripts that just need some editing. Therefore, I have far less than thirty six things left to accomplish! I was sitting relatively comfortable with the deadline, giving myself pep talks and cruising through my books, but then, it happened: negativity. 

I don’t even have one cover, let alone two!

One book hasn’t even gone to a developmental editor! What if there are too many edits to make in the second book in a reasonable amount of time?

What if I can’t get my book formatting figured out again?

There’s not enough time!

As I’ve learned to do in the last couple of months, I closed the door on negativity. Several things have helped me move forward instead of crumpling in a ball and giving up:

  • I’ve done this before, therefore, I don’t have to start all of my accounts, formatting, uploading, etc, from scratch. 
  • Usually my major edits only take me a week or two (and that was with an eighty thousand word manuscript, not forty). 
  • Daily dedication! I’ve been dedicating time every day to move forward. 
  • I received a mock book cover and it was great! 
  • I buckled down on formatting and it worked out fine. 

Overall, I’m excited to share my next two books with the world. In case you haven’t been following my blog posts, there will be a shorter novel offered to my email list for free! The ultimate reason I know I can do this is…because I love it. 


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