Endless, But Rewarding, Tasks

What do you do when you have endless work that doesn’t receive all the attention it needs? I’m constantly drawn to writing, but when self-publishing your books, it’s not just the writing that needs to get done. My list includes: learning how to properly format, marketing, and what feels like endless edits. Then there’s coming up with cover design ideas, catchy summaries, and keywords. 

Sometimes even when I get a stretch of hours to spend on this hobby, it feels like nothing is getting done.

This describes how I’ve been feeling lately. Even though I’ve published two books, I’m not done with them. I’m going through a formatting class so I can produce more standard-looking, beautifully formatted books, and let me tell you, it has tested my dedication. 

While rewarding and fun, these tasks are slightly stressful when added to the rest of my busy schedule. 

So, what do I do when I feel like I’m stuck on a treadmill.?

  • I celebrate the small stuff. 
  • I celebrate not giving up. 
  • I celebrate every time I sit down to chip away at these tasks. 
  • I remember that I am getting the tasks done, just at a slower pace than I’d like.
  • I remember that these tasks are self-made and that this is a hobby that I love doing. 

I was cleaning my office the other day and found a bunch of stickies with things to do. (Does anyone else drown in sticky notes, or is it just me?). I love lists. They help keep me on task while giving me the satisfaction of crossing the item off. Not only that, but in cleaning my office, I got another reward: I had completed everything that was on these old lists!

I threw away these post-its, but I did so with pride. They were proof that I have made progress! I am not where I was even a month ago. This is something that made me feel like I was getting somewhere.

Now that this blog is posted…that’s one more item off my list. 🙂 

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